As the principal owner of a new dispensary in Vermont, I am proud to share the story behind the
name of our establishment, Juana’s Garden. Choosing the right name for our recreational
dispensary was a decision that held a lot of significance for us. It needed to represent our
background, values, and the concept we wanted to bring to the cannabis industry in Vermont. In
this blog post, I will explain the reasons why we ultimately decided on Juana’s Garden as the
name for our store, and how it pays tribute to diversity and women in the cannabis industry.

The Roots of Our Name: Celebrating Heritage and Empowerment
At the core of our dispensary, Juana’s Garden, lies a name full of cultural pride and the spirit of
empowerment. As a Colombian woman venturing into the dynamic world of Vermont’s cannabis
industry, it was important for me to anchor my business in values that resonate deeply with my
identity and aspirations. The name Juana, rich in heritage, speaks of my Latin roots, it’s a tribute
to the vibrant culture that has shaped me. It was chosen not only for its cultural significance but
also as a symbol of empowerment for women aiming to carve their niches in this industry.

This decision was not made lightly. In a realm where female representation is rising yet still in
need of amplification, embodying the essence of a strong Latin female name felt both
revolutionary and deeply personal. Juana represents the duality of honoring one’s background
while pushing forward the agenda of gender equality and social equity in the cannabis sector. It
serves as a reminder that our contributions are vital and transformative, and that our places in
this industry are carved from the richness of our heritage and the strength of our determination.

Through Juana’s Garden, I aspire to not just offer high-quality cannabis flowers and products but
to cultivate a legacy of empowerment and diversity. This goes beyond just business; it is about
creating a platform where the values of inclusivity and strength are integrated in every aspect of
our operations. From the selection of our products to the nurturing of our community
relationships, every choice is infused with the intention of celebrating and uplifting diverse
voices and perspectives.

Choosing this name was a declaration, a celebration of where I come from and a commitment to
the future we are building. It symbolizes the merging of my past with our collective future, an
intertwining of heritage and empowerment that I hope will inspire others as much as it does me.

Juana: More Than Just a Name
Juana symbolizes the significant role women from minority communities play in Vermont’s
growing cannabis industry. It’s a tribute to the resilience and strength that female entrepreneurs
from all backgrounds bring to this space, emphasizing the crucial role we play in shaping its

Furthermore, this name pays tribute to the term “Marijuana,” which is the most common name
for cannabis in Spanish. It embraces a playful and respectful approach, honoring our ancestors’
long-standing usage of the word. While some may perceive it as racist, as a Latin individual, I
want to express that it generally doesn’t offend us. Rather, it symbolizes the plant’s historical
significance and its remarkable transition from secrecy to acceptance. Through this lens, Juana
embodies our aim to destigmatize and democratize access to cannabis, making it a welcoming
and familiar space for all who enter.

Juana’s Garden, therefore, stands as a beacon of empowerment, inclusion, and shared heritage. It
symbolizes our unwavering dedication to breaking molds, challenging conventions, and paving
the way for a more inclusive and diverse cannabis industry. By embracing the name Juana, we
invite our community to join us in a journey that celebrates not just the cannabis plant, but the
vibrant tapestry of individuals and stories that enrich its existence.

A Garden of Diversity and Inclusion
Choosing “Garden” for the latter part of our name, Juana’s Garden, was a heartfelt decision
reflecting our deep-seated commitment to nurturing a space rich in diversity and inclusivity. For
me, envisioning a garden brings up images of a vibrant ecosystem where every plant, regardless
of its kind, contributes to the overall beauty and harmony of the space. This vision aligns
perfectly with our spirit at Juana’s Garden, where we embrace and celebrate the uniqueness of
every individual.

In cultivating this environment, we extend an invitation to all members of our community to
come together, united by a shared appreciation for cannabis. Our approach to hiring mirrors the
diversity we seek to promote, ensuring that our team represents a wide array of backgrounds and
perspectives. This philosophy extends to our product selection, where we prioritize sourcing
from a variety of suppliers, particularly those who identify with marginalized communities,
reinforcing our role as an equal opportunity employer.

At Juana’s Garden, we understand that diversity goes beyond mere representation; it’s about
creating a space where everyone feels genuinely welcome and valued. It’s about fostering an
atmosphere where different voices, stories, and experiences can intermingle, much like the
diverse flora in a garden, to create something truly special and harmonious.
We strive to make Juana’s Garden a reflection of the world we want to see – one where diversity
is celebrated, inclusion is the norm, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive. By welcoming
everyone into our store, we’re not just selling cannabis; we’re cultivating a community where
every visit is an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with others. This is the essence of our
Garden – a place where diversity and inclusion flourish side by side, creating a beautiful, shared
experience for all.

Our Garden of Eden: Spreading Joy and Liberation
In creating Juana’s Garden, we envisioned more than just a dispensary; we dreamt up a haven
that embodies the joy and freedom reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. Here, among the vast
array of fragrances and colors, we foster an environment where laughter is the background
music, and smiles are the universal language. Our establishment is designed to be a modern-day
paradise where the anxieties of the everyday world melt away the moment you step through our
Every detail of Juana’s Garden is curated to enhance your sense of joy and liberation. From the
carefully selected strains that cater to a spectrum of needs and preferences to our passionate,
knowledgeable staff who guide you with empathy and understanding, everything here is about
enriching your experience. We believe in the transformative power of cannabis to not only
elevate moods but also to open minds, encouraging a deeper connection with oneself and the

Our commitment to creating this joyous sanctuary stems from a desire to share the bountiful
benefits of cannabis in a space that is welcoming and free from judgment. It’s about recreating
that mythical, worry-free bliss within the contemporary context of our dispensary, making every
visit a unique journey of discovery and delight.
In this space, liberation is more than just a concept—it’s a tangible experience. It’s the freedom to
explore, to ask questions, and to find solace in a community that understands and supports your
journey. At Juana’s Garden, we’re not just offering products; we’re inviting you into a shared
experience of joy and liberation, a piece of paradise where you can truly be yourself.

Cultivating a Future Together
Embarking on the path of Juana’s Garden has been a journey of passion, reflection, and
determination for me. With every step forward, my vision of fostering a community that thrives
on diversity, inclusivity, and empowerment grows stronger. The name Juana’s Garden
encapsulates not just our identity but our aspirations for the future—a future where our
dispensary serves as a beacon for positive change in the cannabis industry and in the lives of
those we touch. My commitment runs deep. It’s about more than creating a welcoming space; it’s
about pioneering a movement where the presence and influence of women, particularly those of
Latin heritage like myself, are not just acknowledged but celebrated. I envision a world where
our contributions to the cannabis community spark conversations, drive innovation, and inspire
the next generation of female entrepreneurs to dream big and act boldly.This dream isn’t
something I can achieve alone. It requires a collective effort, a gathering of minds and spirits
who share a common goal. That’s why I invite you, our customers, our partners, and our
community, to join us in this endeavor. Together, we can break barriers, build bridges, and
cultivate a garden where everyone’s potential can flourish. The journey ahead is filled with
promise and possibility. As the owner of Juana’s Garden, I am committed to nurturing this space,
our community, and the future we envision. Let’s cultivate this beautiful future together, with
open hearts and open minds, one step at a time.

Juana’s Garden: Be Happy & Blossom!